This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
DiscoveryServicePort xref

2   package org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.jaxb;
4   import java.math.BigInteger;
5   import javax.jws.WebMethod;
6   import javax.jws.WebParam;
7   import javax.jws.WebResult;
8   import javax.jws.WebService;
9   import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
10  import;
11  import;
12  import;
15  /**
16   * This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI.
17   * JAX-WS RI 2.1.7-b01-
18   * Generated source version: 2.1
19   * 
20   */
21  @WebService(name = "DiscoveryServicePort", targetNamespace = "")
22  @XmlSeeAlso({
23      ObjectFactory.class
24  })
25  public interface DiscoveryServicePort {
28      /**
29       * 
30       * @param extension
31       * @param statement
32       * @param searchAllVersions
33       * @param includeRelationships
34       * @param includeAllowableActions
35       * @param skipCount
36       * @param maxItems
37       * @param repositoryId
38       * @param renditionFilter
39       * @return
40       *     returns org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.jaxb.CmisObjectListType
41       * @throws CmisException
42       */
43      @WebMethod
44      @WebResult(name = "objects", targetNamespace = "")
45      @RequestWrapper(localName = "query", targetNamespace = "", className = "org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.jaxb.Query")
46      @ResponseWrapper(localName = "queryResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.jaxb.QueryResponse")
47      public CmisObjectListType query(
48          @WebParam(name = "repositoryId", targetNamespace = "")
49          String repositoryId,
50          @WebParam(name = "statement", targetNamespace = "")
51          String statement,
52          @WebParam(name = "searchAllVersions", targetNamespace = "")
53          Boolean searchAllVersions,
54          @WebParam(name = "includeAllowableActions", targetNamespace = "")
55          Boolean includeAllowableActions,
56          @WebParam(name = "includeRelationships", targetNamespace = "")
57          EnumIncludeRelationships includeRelationships,
58          @WebParam(name = "renditionFilter", targetNamespace = "")
59          String renditionFilter,
60          @WebParam(name = "maxItems", targetNamespace = "")
61          BigInteger maxItems,
62          @WebParam(name = "skipCount", targetNamespace = "")
63          BigInteger skipCount,
64          @WebParam(name = "extension", targetNamespace = "")
65          CmisExtensionType extension)
66          throws CmisException
67      ;
69      /**
70       * 
71       * @param extension
72       * @param includePolicyIds
73       * @param includeProperties
74       * @param changeLogToken
75       * @param objects
76       * @param maxItems
77       * @param repositoryId
78       * @param filter
79       * @param includeACL
80       * @throws CmisException
81       */
82      @WebMethod
83      @RequestWrapper(localName = "getContentChanges", targetNamespace = "", className = "org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.jaxb.GetContentChanges")
84      @ResponseWrapper(localName = "getContentChangesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.jaxb.GetContentChangesResponse")
85      public void getContentChanges(
86          @WebParam(name = "repositoryId", targetNamespace = "")
87          String repositoryId,
88          @WebParam(name = "changeLogToken", targetNamespace = "", mode = WebParam.Mode.INOUT)
89          Holder<String> changeLogToken,
90          @WebParam(name = "includeProperties", targetNamespace = "")
91          Boolean includeProperties,
92          @WebParam(name = "filter", targetNamespace = "")
93          String filter,
94          @WebParam(name = "includePolicyIds", targetNamespace = "")
95          Boolean includePolicyIds,
96          @WebParam(name = "includeACL", targetNamespace = "")
97          Boolean includeACL,
98          @WebParam(name = "maxItems", targetNamespace = "")
99          BigInteger maxItems,
100         @WebParam(name = "extension", targetNamespace = "")
101         CmisExtensionType extension,
102         @WebParam(name = "objects", targetNamespace = "", mode = WebParam.Mode.OUT)
103         Holder<CmisObjectListType> objects)
104         throws CmisException
105     ;
107 }