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Apache Chemistry - DotCMIS

Welcome to DotCMIS

Apache Chemistry DotCMIS is a CMIS client library for .NET. It is loosely based on the OpenCMIS client architecture.


Release 0.7 (2015-04-13)

[Full Download page](https :// and Release Notes.

Package zip
DotCMIS client source Download (md5, sha512, pgp)
DotCMIS client binary Download (md5, sha512, pgp)

Older Releases

For older releases please browse the Archives.

Verify authenticity of Downloads package

While downloading the packages, make yourself familiar on how to verify their integrity, authenticity and provenience according to the Apache Software Foundation best practices. Please make sure you check the following resources:


There are starter code snippets on the Getting started with DotCMIS page, the Apache Chemistry Code Samples page, and the PowerShell Example page. The API documentation is available as a CHM Help file in the binary release package. A session parameter overview is available on the Session Parameters page.

Source code, dependencies and development binaries

The DotCMIS source code is here:

DotCMIS requires the .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher. It does not depend on anything else.

The DotCMIS unit tests require NUnit 2.5.