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Apache Chemistry - Using Eclipse as Development Environment

Using Eclipse

Please note that you can use maven to generate projects for Eclipse (and other development tools) by using mvn eclipse:eclipse. For details see the maven documentation. This mechanism also works for other IDEs than Eclipse.


Debugging a client

Using the Eclipse debugger for a client application usually is straightforward. Just create the launch configuration (for example Java stand alone application) and run your project in the debugger.

Debugging a server

Using the debugger for server development requires the appropriate setup. This is a bit more tricky than on the client side. There are several ways how to do this. Choose whatever works best for your environment. The following sections use Apache Tomcat as servlet container for your server development project. The same mechanism works for other servlet containers and can easily be adapted (e.g. Jetty).

Tomcat Remote Debugging

Build your server and create a .war archive. Deploy your archive in Tomcat (e.g. copy it to the webapps directory of the Tomcat installation). Start Tomcat in debugging mode. See here for details. Create in Eclipse a launch configuration for remote debugging connecting to your Tomcat.

There are other options as well. You can skip creating the .war file and configure Tomcat to use your build output directory as web application. See the Tomcat documentation for more details.

Eclipse WDT

If you use the Eclipse J2EE distribution or have installed the Web Development Tools (WDT) you can run/debug your server directly within your IDE. Unfortunately the integration with maven is not very convenient. You have to patch the file pom.xml of your server project so that mvn eclipse:eclipse generates a web application.

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If you don't use maven you have to manually create a dynamic web project in Eclipse. In this case inmemory is the context root of your server. An address like http://localhost:8080/inmemory/atom/ should work. What still needs to be done manually (even with maven) is to configure all the jars needed to run the server. Open the project properties in Eclipse and select Deployment Assembly. Add / Project and add the following projects:

  • chemistry-opencmis-commons-api
  • chemistry-opencmis-commons-impl
  • chemistry-opencmis-server-bindings
  • chemistry-opencmis-server-support

Then Add / Java Build Path Entries and add all the jars listed.

This setup allows you to add your server project to an existing Server configuration in Eclipse. (If your Server tab is empty you first have to create one). In the Server Tab now you can run or debug Tomcat with your server project as a deployed web application.

The Local Binding

OpenCMIS allows to bypass all AtomPub or SOAP protocols and directly connect from a client to server using Java classes within a single JVM and is called the Local Binding. This can be convenient is some cases and makes debugging very easy. See the example how to create a session.

Long Package Names

The opencmis project uses package names that sometimes get inconvenient due to their length. Since Helios Eclipse has a nice feature to abbreviate package names. In Window/Preferences go to Java / Appearance and select Abbreviate package names. Add a rule:


This will display all your packages in a form like
